[V8] Engine Speed Sensor

bblake1055 at aol.com bblake1055 at aol.com
Sat Jan 21 11:57:26 EST 2006

I went to the ROSS TECH site and it did says that the Interface USB port can sometimes be "Flakey"  I guess that's there word for "DOESN'T  WORK".  I played around with it a little more today re-configuring the laptop, but I ran out of time and need to be somewhere.
Tomorrow  is another day.
I might try to switch the RPM & Crank sensor with one of the Working V8's.  I'll see how much work is it first.  It sounds like that is the most likely canidate since the car ran fine and then the wife drove it and it wouldn't start when hot and then the next day it wouldn't start at all.  I guess it's true about those V8's - they don't like it when someone else drives them!!!!
Thanks for the help
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Ward <jward.v8 at gmail.com>
To: bblake1055 at aol.com; v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 08:10:06 -0800
Subject: RE: [V8] Engine Speed Sensor

Bummer.  What does Ross Tech say about the sporadic USB deal?

You know I made a similar mistake when I first used an LED to blink my codes
(very easy to do for those of you who are playing along with the home-game,
btw).  I was getting the 2111 RPM Sensor, and 2131 brake light switch (on
the transmission).  Turns out you need to run the car before pulling the
codes, and make sure to step on the brake while starting it.

Here is a quote from Scott's site for pulling the codes:
"If the vehicle starts: You should drive the car for a minimum of 5-10
minutes and raise the engine speed above 3000 RPM. You want the engine
coolant temp to get above 80C, (176F). Verify fuses 4, 5, 13, 23, 24, and 27
are OK If the vehicle does not start: 

Crank the engine with the starter for at least 15 seconds and then leave the
ignition on after cranking and check for any stored faults. After doing the
road test or the "No Start" cranking test, proceed to the section below for
reading any fault codes stored during this process."

"The Motronic ECU has a non volatile memory for the fault codes that can be
read later even if the car has been turned off after the road test."

Good luck Bob!

- Jeremy

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of
bblake1055 at aol.com
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:01 AM
To: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V8] Engine Speed Sensor

Great right up on the RPM replacement proceedure.  
I'm having second thoughts on my original "fault Codes"
I took the new VAG-COM software an starting pulling codes on some of the
other V8's and guess what??
"Rpm Sensor - No Signal"  The I started the car up and it went away.  How
dumb can I be?????
I guess there wouldn't be a signal if the car is not tuning over!!  Today I
am going to try it again and crank over the engine at the same time.
To make things worse the Interface for the Vag-Com is sporadic and I have to
keep re-booting the computer to get rid of the "UBS Interface not found"
I'm starting to think "Audi Connection" is the way to go with this one.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Ward <jward.v8 at gmail.com>
To: 'Kneale Brownson' <kneale at coslink.net>; bblake1055 at aol.com
Cc: v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 17:46:39 -0800
Subject: RE: [V8] Engine Speed Sensor

<In my best Ed McMahon voice> You are correct sir! Yes!!!

Thomas' photos are pretty good, but his write-up is in German:

Here is my write-up from a while back:
http://www.audifans.com/twiki/bin/view/Audi/RPMSensorNOSTART Thanks for the
upload Scott!

Bob, by the time you replace the 10th one on your 5th V8, you should have
this procedure down pat.  ;-)


- Jeremy

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of
Kneale Brownson
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:57 PM
To: Kent McLean; bblake1055 at aol.com
Cc: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V8] Engine Speed Sensor

Link goes to photo of the sensor connectors.  The  sensors themselves are
8-10 inches of wire lower down the engine.  Actually, I think the housing
for the sensors is part of the bellhousing.  They sense the flywheel, I
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