[V8] Starting Problems

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 18:54:46 EST 2006

I think the common cause is the temperature sensor.

If they've replaced the engine, then they should have a healthy stock of
spares from the old engine from which to start swapping things back and
forth.  The FPR, the temp sensors, etc.


On 1/25/06, Buchholz, Steven <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com> wrote:
> I spoke to a gentleman yesterday who owns a 1990 V8 that is languishing in
> a service shop in San Francisco.  He had problems with the exhaust smoking,
> which ended up being related to a scored cylinder (!).  The car has a
> replacement engine installed and the smoking issue is resolved.  He is still
> seeing excessive cranking times when starting cold.  The ECU is not logging
> any trouble codes at this point.
> The shop is reporting that the fuel pressure is excessive (~90PSI), and
> the tech is not able to get the pressure down.  The pump was tested, some
> level of testing of the fuel pressure regulator was done (although I don't
> know for sure that the FPR was replaced), and the return system was even
> checked for blockage (!!!).  Has anyone ever checked the fuel pressure on
> their car?  While that is a well known troubleshooting item for me on CIS
> cars, I've never felt a need to check either of my V8s.  I do suspect that
> as the FPR ages the pressure increases, as this would lead to the rich
> situation that I associate with a FPR that needs to be replaced.
> At one point he mentioned that the spark plugs appeared to be wet with
> fuel, and I shared with him that there were some on this list who had
> troubles with the factory specified spark plugs.  I did not remember what
> the general best recommendation was.  I did tell him that I personally have
> not had a problem with the factory quad ground $15 each units.  I also
> questioned whether or not he had replaced distributor caps and rotors ... or
> ignition wires.  He was not aware of any changes there.
> I thought I'd post the situation here to see if there were any other
> suggestions for fixes on excessive cold cranking situations.  Feel free to
> respond to me or to post back to the list and I'll pass along the feedback
> ... perhaps we can marshal a new V8 owner to join our group!
> Thanks!
> Steve B
> San José, CA (USA)
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