[V8] Common problems?

Haelo haelodesangre at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 19:40:52 EST 2006

My V8 has what seem to be a couple common problems.

First and foremost: When I bought the car, it wouldn't reverse when the
trans fluid was cold. You had to give it a lot of gas for it to even creep.
Now, it reverses just fine, but it will not go into drive. All of the gear
indicators on the dash are lit up at the same time. the IATN (internation
auto technicians network) has a few of these transmissions doing the same
thing, but no one has a real answer.

Secondly, when you put a key in the driver's door lock, it will just flop
back and forth without moving the lock. I haven't bothered to dig in, but
I've heard other people have problems with the door locks. It's mostly
annoying because it makes the alarm go off.

What's up with that?

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