[V8] Trailer hitch for the V8? I'm perplexed..........

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Wed Jul 5 07:16:17 EDT 2006

The Da'lan website's instruction sheet identifies the V8 and 200q20v
hitches as the same and calls for removal of the tow hook anchor.  I had to
do that on my 200. When I installed a 5k Da'lan on my 200, I  also had to
cut off one of the muffler outlet pipes  and add an angled shield to keep
exhaust away from the bumper cover plastic.  The V8 muffler exits farther
to the outside of the bumper than the 200, so muffler modification may not
be necessary.  I picked up a hitch from a guy who had it on a V8, and he
said the bumper cover had to be trimmed just a bit to put the the hitch on.
 He said the cutting of the plastic wasn't noticeable.  I didn't ask for
specifics, but I'm guessing it was in the middle of the bumper.

At 09:27 PM 7/4/2006 -0700, Tony and Lillie wrote:
>Fellow V8 owners,
>I'm a little lost here. After talking to Ingo, I think I've got it figured 
>out that the D'lan hitch that fits the V8 is specific to it. Is that the 
>case? Also, can someone send me pics of theirs on the passenger side where 
>it mounts? 
>What I'm trying to figure out is this. I have four T44's. A V8Q and three 
>5000TQ's. Two of the 5000's have hitches. One is a D'lan, and the other is a 
>Class 2 that I built. I pulled the D'lan, thinking my major obstacle would 
>be the exhaust. Well, I was wrong. It clears the exhaust just fine. However, 
>it won't clear the tow hook mount on the passenger side. Neither will the 
>class 2 that I built. I do have the ability to use the class 2 if I remove 
>the bumper, but I really don't want to go through that if I can avoid it.
>Hopefully someone can shed a little light my way.
>Thanks in advance,
>Tony Hoffman
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