[V8] drip drip drip drip

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Wed Jul 12 12:56:43 EDT 2006

Anyone ever experience a failure of the gasket between the block and that
fixture into which the oil temp sender, switch, pressure device and filter
all screw?  That cover has half a dozen screws holding it in place.  Could
any of those be loose?

At 10:53 AM 7/12/2006 -0400, Mike Arman wrote:
>The V8 has developed a progressively worsening oil leak in the area of 
>the engine block adapter for the oil lines to the cooler and the oil 
>pressure senders.
>I've replaced the oil lines with Aeroquip, put new O rings on the ends, 
>replaced the oil pressure sender ($200 list, got a used one from Bruce 
>for $60) and it still leaks.
>Next stop is to take the lines back to Aeroquip and have them pressure 
>tested, but if that doesn't work, I'd like some idea where to look next.
>What are the usual suspects in this area? I can't see a darn thing down 
>there, and I'd rather ask instead of poking around blindly.
>Any ideas?
>Best Regards,
>Mike Arman
>1990 V8Q
>(the ghost of "bad puppy" strikes?)
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