[V8] TB Replacement

Rich Ehlert bkrddrvr at abcinet.net
Wed Jun 7 12:41:28 EDT 2006

Hi All,
After about 2 months without my trusty V8, I am finally getting around 
to changing the TB.  If you racall, it quit running at 120 K and all 
indcations are that it slipped a tooth on the passanger side bank.  I 
have good compression on the drivers side, but only +- 60 on the 
passangers side.  That said, when I ordered the parts from Blau, they 
couldn't? come up with the Friction pad, Oil pump pulley bearing, or 
front oil pump pulley seal.  Any one have an idea of where I should 
try?  And isn't there oil pulley bearing swap for less?  Seems I 
remember reading that from someone a long while back.
Thanks All,
Rich Ehlert
1993 V*Q

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