[V8] Ghost in the Speedometer?

Pashamad at aol.com Pashamad at aol.com
Wed Mar 15 22:04:46 EST 2006

In a message dated 3/15/2006 7:07:11 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
Speakoutprod at aol.com writes:

Yesterday while driving to work, I looked at the speedometer and, for  about 
three seconds, it instantly dropped from 60 MPH to 0 MPG, then,  after about 
three seconds, instantly went back to 60 MPH.    

(OK, maybe it was 70 MPH).

This is the only time I have  observed this happening in the life of the car. 
Any thoughts  what may have caused this?


Brad Hartman
1990  V8
168,000 miles

168,000 miles and 16 years,  Brad!
Which car can survive so long without  coughing?

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