[V8] noise thats driving me absolutley CRAZY!!

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Fri Mar 24 23:20:33 EST 2006

my 3.6 did it (whatever "it" is exactly) after a t-belt change, pulleys shocks and bearings inclusive, but didn't do it on the 4.2 after keith @ audiconnection did the 4.2 swap, new timing belt and all. 

Point being is I installed two new knock sensors both times. Only happened once.  I don't think bad KSs would make such a noise.  

But what raises my eyebrows is that the rattle/clacking/etc we hear(d) could possibly be confusing the KSs into sending false readings to the ecu, confusing the thing.  The 3.6, when it was experiencing it, wasn't as snappy as it shouldve been. 



David A. Coleman
Sent via BlackBerry Wireless

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com
To: daves745t at optonline.net
CC: v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Fri Mar 24 19:52:41 2006
Subject: [V8] noise thats driving me absolutley CRAZY!!


 Nuts & bolts noise, deisel sound,
 Anyone think about the knock sensors?

 I've done a few timing belt jobs on a V8, including a
complete teardown & never heard this noise as
 I hope the Audi Gods don't hear me by the time I do
the belt on my 93 V8 8)
90 V8Q not stock
93 V8Q not stock

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