[V8] oil leak

CB&D, LLC cbdllc at ntelos.net
Sun May 7 20:09:12 EDT 2006

In my quest for a dry motor I cleaned it today.  Two cans of Gunk
and a power washer hooked to hot water.  The good news is it looks
great.  The not so good news are the oil leak(s)  I have one on the
left rear and one on the right front.

The rear leak appears just under the exhaust header for cylinder 8
and drips off the corner of the block.  The distributor and valve
cover seals are new and dry.  The motor mount and RPM sensor heat
shield block a view of the exact point of origin, but it appears
that it can only be the head gasket.

The leak at the front appears just under the exhaust for cylinder 1
and pools in the "V" at the top of the cover that the oil sensors
attach to and then runs down on top of the alternator.  I thought
this leak was coming from the front cover, but now that things are
clean it looks more like the head gasket. 

So...the motors clean for now, but it looks like a "dry" motor are
not in the cards for me any time soon.

Has anyone done the head gaskets that can encourage me with a "oh,
that's easy to fix"?


-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of swett at comcast.net
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 12:04 PM
To: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: [V8] 93 4.2 oil leak

Hello V8 heads,

I'm having some trouble finding the source of a pretty large oil
leak on the drivers side bank of my 93 4.2.  Not being very familiar
with this engine yet, allow me to ask for your expertise.

This leak appears to be coming off the back corner of the head, at
the head gasket.  Is there a distributor gasket that could be blown
sending oil down along this route?  I thought I've heard or read of
somebody else over the years experiencing this leak.  It just
doesn't seem to me that a head gasket could leak oil at this rate.
I'm hoping that either my V/C gasket is leaking or perhaps something
at the distributor.  Car has 100k on it.  

would love to hear about any similiar symptoms of this nature that
you've seen before.

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