[V8] ABS Problem/Red brake warning idiot light

rockinv8q at aol.com rockinv8q at aol.com
Thu May 11 09:01:58 EDT 2006

The ABS has absolutely no connection with the red brake idiot light.

 That idiot light is triggered by 4 things:

1) Parking brake lever

2) Brake Fluid Level

3) Hydraulic fluid level

4) Hydraulic system pressure at the brake booster

Your problem sounds like #4 is an issue.

  The Brake side of the hydraulic pump is very small and not capable of 
supplying enough fluid volumn to smoothly operate the brake booster. 
Thats why the system has an accumulator, what we call the "bomb". When 
the check valve in the accumulator fails it doesnt store any fluid so 
when you apply the brakes you feel the individual pulses of the 
hydraulic pump. This could be mistaken for light ABS activation by 
someone not familiar with it.

 Two tests should verify.

1) unplug one of the pressure switch wires on the brake booster. Idiot 
light should go out.

2) Remove your serp belt and take a very short run to prove that the 
pulsation isnt present.


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