[V8] honing/ringing a V8

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Fri May 26 06:15:52 EDT 2006

  Perhaps I'm being a bit pragmatic, but for the price of rebuilding a spent 3.6 or 4.2, could you not purchase a newer ABZ 4.2 and install that?
  That was/is my plan for the 4.2 Ur - when the 24x,000 mile 4.2 ABH goes finally, I'll look for a 4.2 ABZ, which - according to my evil outlook - should be plentiful in 5 years when A8's become the new V8 Quattro of the 20-teens.  More plentiful than 90 3.6's (and certainly everything that follows) and there are quite a few up for sale cheap cheap.

W. Carter Johnson
SileStone/Counterfitt of RI
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