[V8] Air Conditioner Question

alexander stickler a_stickler at yahoo.com
Wed May 31 17:30:58 EDT 2006


I've been on the UrQ list for a while now, but just
added a 1990 V8 with 370,000km to the fleet.

Question:  A/C compressor is not coming on unless I
used a jumper to supply power to it. The control unit
in the center console seems to be working, swapping
the relay doesn't help, and swapping the AC programmer
doesn't seem to change the situation.  This leaves me
to question if the interior temp sensor is working
properly. I can make the compressor come on when I
ground the AC Thermostat (under the hood, near the
cowl).   The only thing that  seems weird is that the
wiring diagram shows two black wires joining up at the
AC relay (position 10 in the passenger footwell) - my
car has only one.  One of the wires should becoming
from the AC controller (in the center console) and the
other from the low pressure switch.  The V8 we were
pulling parts from to test (not sure if those parts
were good or not) was also a 1990 and it did have 2
wires coming into the relay.  

Any thoughts? Any BTDTs?

Once the compressor is on it does blow extremely cold
air, so I think I am very close to a solution, but any
input would be greatly appreciated.


Alex Stickler

'83 URQ with 3B 20VT
'90 V8 Q with 370,000km

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