[V8] Self immolation for The Black Mariah!
Tim Hollister
grey_wolf_x at yahoo.com
Wed May 31 20:25:34 EDT 2006
yea actually thats not an uncommon failure, too bad it was with new mounts!
--- "Roger M. Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at adelphia.net> wrote:
> Well, it's done it again. The Black Mariah has returned to the wrench.
> For those who have been living under a rock for the past couple of years,
> The Black Mariah is my 1991 Audi 200 20Valve Avant the rehabilitation of
> which has been forced down the throats of the V8 listers because I am a
> closet V8 afficianado who constantly threatens to return to the V8 fold.
> Anyway, I was driving down to the village a week ago Saturday morning when I
> noticed a certain sponginess in the front end, and then noticed that there
> was a strange bump on the top of the hood vaguely in front of the
> windshield.
> Stopped the car, opened the hood and lo and behold! The left front strut
> had completely penetrated the upper shock mount and was impacting the bottom
> of the hood. Wow! Can you imagine what it might have been like had that
> happened at, say 75 miles per hour on the Interstate when making some sort
> of emergency move?
> Now back at the wrench, he confesses that he has never seen anything like it
> in twenty five some years of wrenching. Neither have I, in forty something
> years of driving!
> Worse still the upper shock mounts on front and rear of this car are
> new...less than 10,000 miles or two years of use. Worse news still while
> the front uppers were aftermarket, the rears were OEM, and the right rear is
> gonzo, too. The rears were installed less than two months ago.
> I am seriously thinking of buying a Yukon. At least I KNOW where the
> nearest dealer is, and that parts will be available. Maybe the Type 44's
> are really over the hill after all!
> Roger
> NEVERmind...I am just cranky. I had to drive to Portland last night, and
> then to Moosehead Lake today. Almost six hundred miles in twenty four hours
> with nearly a full day of work too. And all my driving during those six
> hundred miles was NOT in my Audi, but was in the Chevrolet Silverado
> extended cab 4X4 with 454 cu.in. engine! I dunno what was worse, the
> pounding high miles in short time in the truck or filling the tank!
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