[V8] Cold Weather Sensors

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Nov 6 17:38:51 EST 2006

FWIW I had something similar happening with V8Q #1, I'm not really sure,
but the problem seemed to go away after I adjusted the Throttle Position
Sensor.  I was adjusting the TPS for another reason.  It was one of those
things where it was a little while before it dawned on me that the
problem had gone away, had 5 type 44's in the fleet at the time.

Hit any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

"Bill Hitzler" <bhitzler at kpbsd.k12.ak.us> writes:
> My 1990 is an early run that doesn't get info from the coolant 
> sensor
> behind the passenger side. Which other sensors give the ECU 
> temperature
> related info. The car starts fine and runs great until I stop at a
> traffic light. Then the torque converter gets balky as I let off 
> the
> throttle and it also runs richer. The car does this when it's 40 
> degrees
> or colder and only after I stop at a traffic light. It will happen
> whether I've driven 3 miles or 13 miles; BUT ONLY AFTER I STOP FOR 
> A
> LIGHT. I've pulled codes when it's happening but don't get 
> anything.
> I've adjusted the multi function switch for the tranny all to no 
> avail.
> I'm thinking one of the sensors might be marginal. It's been a 
> pretty
> good head scratcher for me. The car remains very driveable through 
> all
> this but it's become a personal challenge to track this little 
> gremlin
> down and exterminate with extreme prejudice. Any thoughts ? Thanks,
> William

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