[V8] O-ring help

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Fri Nov 17 10:25:10 EST 2006

I searched high and low for a compatible o-ring and came up with nothing. I
ended up ordering them from the stealer.
They weren't that expensive - but I had to wait.
I had the same issue with most all o-rings on this car. Even when I know the
size (which is often in ETKA), either I can not find it, or the material is


Quoting Ingo Rautenberg <i.rautenberg at waratap.com>:

> So I'm replacing the O-rings that are mounted to the coolant lines
> that go to the back of the head on the 4.2, removing the blue rtv
> that had been used to (ineffectively) cure a coolant leak from the
> previous owner.  Well, now I need to replace the O-rings and I have a
> bunch of metric ones, but only have the Audi Part number:  077 121
> 437A.   Anyone know the size of those O-rings?
> Ingo
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