[V8] Hot cams for V8Q

Scott Phillips Scottp at ippe.com
Tue Nov 28 16:40:00 EST 2006


WOW!  And Drool.. is all I can say..

Before "I" get starting down that path there is bunch of getting up to
snuff to do...but I wanna say...I'm interested.

Scott '90 V8Q

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of Mike Arman
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:11 PM
To: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: [V8] Hot cams for V8Q

Saw the comments about sending cams back to the Fatherland so Hans und 
Fritz can breathe on them, cost to be about $1,000 a set . . .

Got to thinking about this a bit, there's lotsa people over here in 
Amurrican Car country who can do this kind of thing, and do it really 
well, too.

Thought a bit more, and remembered I used to live down the road from 
Crane Cams in Hallandale (35 years ago), remembered they moved to 
Daytona shortly after I did.

Called 'em up, spoke to Dave Bligh, told him what we had.

"32 valve DOHC V8, looks a lot like a pair of 16v VWs with a common

He wanted to know the diameter of the valve bucket and the valve lift, 
also if the followers are hydraulic or mechanical - and if the engine 
uses a MAF sensor.

He says they can recontour the cams for $432 for the set of four (your 
cores), and you MAY or MAY NOT need a set of replacement cam follower 
buckets depending on the answers to the diameter and lift questions 
above. Replacement buckets are available in metric sizes, a set of 32 is

about $500, if they are needed.

He was talking about adding about 10 degrees or so of duration, and a 
bit more lift (they grind the base circle down slightly, polish and 
re-harden the cams). He wanted to know if these were all-out race 
engines (no) and I told him these were street machines which we were 
looking to just breathe on slightly.

Please do NOT call him yet - he requested that I be the point of contact

so he isn't telling the same things to 25 people . . .

I need:

diameter of the valve bucket

valve lift

operating clearance (valve settings - probably 0 and 0, since these are 
hydraulic lifters)

confirm MAF sensor for fuel injection.

If Crane CAN do this, we can save ourselves a pile of money and time. 
Let me know if there is interest.

Mike Arman
V8Q, maybe even more fun soon?
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