[V8] Pearl White Audi 1990 for sale in Florida $2200 Many extras

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed Oct 11 12:49:03 EDT 2006

This is the second post, listmeister might consider booting Mickey's
Minion and keeper of the frozen head to the curb.  Luckily our cars are
rare enough that we don't get buried in these things.  Some car lists
have had to go to pre-approval for all posts because of this.
I really don't mind active listers posting their cars/parts/first born
for sale or trade here, this is completely different from people who only
subscribe to use this forum as a free classified ad.

Hit any key to continue, or any other key to quit.
"O'neil, Brian" <Brian.Oneil at acs-inc.com> writes:

> Car needs little work great deal for serious buyer $2200
> Brian K O'Neil 
> Walt Disney World Information Technology \ ACS

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