No subject

Tue Oct 17 02:37:12 EDT 2006

1.	Remove Engine cover, air filter and air box. (some may remove
distributors, I did not)
2.	In Drivers foot well:Remove bolt from steering couple  by
pedals, slide joint off steering rack shaft.(Don't remember if you need
to remove under dash cover to access)  The bolt fits in a notch in the
rack shaft and must be removed completely to allow separation.
3.	Pop the plug wire routing plate up and place out of the way.
4.	Bend back tabs and remove (2) tie rod to rack  bolts.
5.	Remove rack mounting bolts, someone talked about a 3 foot
extension, coming in through passenger wheel well, did not need to do
6.	Remove two banjo bolts holding hoses to rack. Short stubby "S"
type wrenches are handy here, or maybe some of the new style ratchet
type wrenches would help here.
7.	Remove heat shield, passenger side.
8.	Remove two top trans to engine mounting bolts(Important, give
you the room to wiggle the rack out of the area.
9.	Jack up car, remove passenger side front wheel.  Maneuver rack
out of opening for tie rod, it's a bitch at first, but keep at it, the
rack will come out this hole.

As they say, reassembly is reverse of above.

	Get the rack back through the hole and in place with out tearing
	I like to attach the hoses before I mount the rack in place,
those banjo bolts are always a bitch to get started to me.
	Careful attaching tie rods, make sure you don't turn upside
down, can contact distributors and crack or break them   =20
	Make sure the wheels are basically straight and the steering
wheel is staring when reattaching steering couple

90 V8, 2X Rack R&R

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at [mailto:v8-bounces at] On Behalf
Of Joe Griffith
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:25 AM
To: v8 at
Subject: '91 V8 Steering Rack R&R

I plan on replacing the leaking steering rack on my '91 V8 next week and
have been searching the archives for info.
  I have the Bentley instructions, the info from the Knowledge base, and
searching the archives but still feel ill prepared to tackle the job.
  I saw mention of a write-up by Dave Head, but have not been able to
find it yet.  Anybody have any idea were I might find it, or any other
write-up that might help?
  Also, if anybody has any BTDT that might save time and aggravation I
would greatly appreciate it.
  Thanks in advance
  Joe Griffith

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