[V8] It's BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccK!

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 17 14:41:51 EDT 2007

I absolutley agree! It's sad to say..but true.

 I guess what I'm saying is...is the kid who ownes the
car a tool...YES! But the car is a piece of history.
But with everything..it's worth what someone will pay.


--- Scott Phillips <Scottp at ippe.com> wrote:

> Okay.. so I'll take that case.. It's only worth what
> the buyer is
> willing to pay for it. 
> As it is such a rare car there are no price points
> as such to look at or
> refer to. Which makes it an oddball, coveted only by
> those who covet
> such things.
> So there you go.. *if* you can find the right
> buyer.. sure you can get
> paid on the rarity of the car and the low miles and
> all that goes with
> it, but in the open market you have another 17 year
> old rare Audi. But
> with each trip around the block, you get closer to
> the rest of the V8
> world.
> Dan's case is exactly the same, sure he wants 10.5K
> for the car.. is he
> going to get it.. I hate to say it but I think not.
> Considering you can
> have a A8 for equal or less $$ and have something
> that is more
> "available".. (I hate to say that, but truth is what
> it is)
> Just my Opinion..
> -Scott

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