[V8] Of Honeydews and unwanted hitchikers

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Thu Apr 19 16:08:21 EDT 2007

Ron, try to lure the li'l fella out with some bait, like a chicken
mcnugget or something, one tucked in next to a shock tower and on the
ground.  Of course you just may end inviting ants to share the rodent's

> -----Original Message-----
> That's a funny pic Ingo..I got the mother here in Ma$$ 8-0!! 
> Come get her!!!! LOL I go out this morn to open the hood to 
> finally prep to do my AC comp & put a new belt on, when I 
> open the hood & spot the New York of all Mice 8-0.....
> Freaking thing scooted off before I could do anything.
> So then I proceed to rip the car apart to look for that sum 
> beetch, but couldn't find it!
> So now I'm freaking out about driving down the road & 
> SURPRISE...the NY mouse makes an appearance..SMASH into an 
> oncoming tractor trailer..BAM.

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