[V8] MPG Partial Update
Ingo Rautenberg
ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 19:05:30 EDT 2007
So how's that Seafoam 'Fix' working out? I just parked my V8 at a
big angle on the drive and poured 3 capfuls (brakeKleen cap) into
each cylinder on one bank and will let sit for??? 2 hrs, 4 hrs??...
and then do the other side (making sure to completely cover the
piston. You can hear it doing it's work. Sounds like alka selzer in
each of those cylinder bores :-) All the plugs looked normal, btw.
On Apr 16, 2007, at 8:44 AM, Jason Wilkerson wrote:
> Got to work on the V8's MPG problem again. Short replay - bad MPG
> leads
> to tests - find O2 code - find one cylinder 50-60psi low on
> compression.
> Update - Tested compression again - found low compression, did
> leakdown -
> seems to be leaking past piston and coming up out of the
> crankcase. SO -
> this means that the valve train is tight and I'm looking for a motor -
> well maby not. On a whim I thought 'hey, I'll try some seafoam -
> what do
> I have to loose?' I put the cylinder in question to TDC
> compression, turn
> it back a few degrees, pour seafoam in the spark plug hole, pull
> the crank
> back a few more degrees, then back to TDC. Then I place air
> pressure on
> the cylinder - as to force the liquid down past the rings so it can
> soak,
> expecially at the top of the piston, where gravity is against you.
> I let
> it sit for 8hrs or so, turn it over without a spark plug, as to not
> create
> bent rods via hydrolock, replace everything and start it to let it
> burn
> all that seafoam out. Run it till it quits smoking, pull plug, check
> compression - 145psi!!! - thats a clean 55psi better than I have
> ever got!
> I'm really exited, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much - I'm
> still afraid that the seafoam was causing a 'false seal' that will
> fade
> with time - but I don't think so because I let it run plenty long
> enough
> to burn that off. I will drive it tomarrow and post back my
> compression
> results. I think if the O2 code disappears, and my MPG's are back
> up - I
> will know the truth faster! One can hope. Thanks for beiing my
> sounding
> board!
> Jason
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