[V8] MPG - Final Chapter for now!
Ron Wainwright
ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 16:44:40 EDT 2007
Have you tried a 4 wire 02 sensor Jason?
I've recomended the 4 wire to a few listers & they
report a few more MPG with the 4 wire.
Oh & one other thing to add to your list...have you
verified that you'r IC is good? Meaning the readings
you are getting from it.
I've never seen those low a MPG in any V8 I've
had..or driven.
My o, Pearl V8 mit P&P heads/intake, Stebro, & old
sensors have never yeilded those low #'s.
& I had a very, VERY heavy foot with the Pearl V8.
It's hard not to want to stomp on it to hear that
Stebro open up!
On my 93...again. 18/19 city/20/24'ish HW.
On the HW I've all ways found that the faster I
went....the better my MPG were!
But as you & a few have mentioned....maybe the
coolant sensor is flakey??
--- Jason Wilkerson <wilke_jb at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Maby the o2 does need changed again? It would only
> be the 4th one in so
> many months (given, some were old - but two were
> brand new) - What I mean
> by split the intake is that when you pull it off of
> the engine block, you
> can remove the bottom runner, and if I remember
> correctly, they have large
> square o-rings between them - much like the gasket
> where the Valve cover
> seals the spark plug hole - I could be wrong on the
> gasket but I know the
> thing splits in half.
> Again, thanks for the response, Jason
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