[V8] Transmission replacement - any good tips for the job?

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 30 08:16:14 EDT 2007

Tips - It's a pain - but can be done, make sure and disconnect the
throttle cable - it won't hold the weight of the tranny by itself (I know
this from experience).  Definately do the rack while the Tranny is out -
you can rebuild it yourself if you would like - Jorgen sells a kit for $80
+ $20 for the boot - it takes paitence, expecially with the shaft seal for
steering collum - oh, and don't try to replace the piston seal - they
don't make a replacement for it.  It could save you a couple hundred bucks
- just don't blame me if it leaks!  

    Good luck,

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