[V8] Throttle Rod lube (no KY jokes please)

DieMarthaDie at aol.com DieMarthaDie at aol.com
Sat Aug 4 22:33:00 EDT 2007

ok, so my throttle has been sticking for a long time.  In past efforts  to 
solve this the cruise linkage was completely removed, I tried WD40 and  lithium 
grease on the spring assembly and it didn't work... a lister  pulled his 
throttle body to swap with mine since his was moving smoothly and he  had an engine 
sitting out of a car (THANKS Brian).  I got it apart  (actually really easy 
for a change) and as soon as my throttle body was out it  moved just fine..... 
Seems the throttle rod runs from the back (under the air box) through the  
valley under the manifold to the front behind the ISV.  inside the mouth of  the 
valley on the front of the engine is the rod end that connects to the  
actuator(?) on the rear of the throttle body.   
I discovered that the rod itself seemed to be stuck/sticking.   Possibly some 
corrosion or some foreign body.  After emptying 30  gallons of wd40 on both 
the spring assembly in the rear of the engine and an  equal amount on the rod 
mounts in the valley, and working it from both ends at  once, it went 'pop' and 
now moves cleanly.  A bit stiff still, but much  much much better and with 
full travel range.  I didn't break it :)  
Now that it's free, I'm looking for a suggestion for the best lubricant to  
put on both ends to ensure that it stays smooth and I don't have to do this  
again (or the next owner doesn't).  oil, grease, WD40, LPS, what?   Ideas?
I also took a bunch of pix so I can maybe get this up in the KB soon.   Along 
with the pix I took of door dismantling... and the scan of Sports Car  
Illustrated's 1990 review of the V8, oh and all 30 of my V8 car models with the  
driver info... geez am I behind.  yeah Coleman I need to send out that 1990  DTM 
DVD too...

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