[V8] Overheating, loss of electric fan 92 V8 4.2

Dave Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Sun Aug 5 12:29:34 EDT 2007

a. Consider buying a laser temp meter. They're not too expensive.
b. Your engine driven fan clutch could be bad.
c. Have you replaced your thermostat?
d. If you have replaced your thermostat, could you have put it in backwards?

Dag Bøsterud wrote:
> I have now replaced my radiator (OEM), flushed the system (once more) and replaced both temp senders,
> the temp sender in the radiator is disconnected. The A/C is turned off.
> The car still runs hot!!! At least according to the gauge. There is no change as to before.
> I did a 340 mile-trip this weekend, and the temperature varied from 210 to 220 F when driving at speeds
> from 45 to 75 mph. Only when going quite fast (80-90 mph) would the temperature drop to about 190-195 F.
> Setting the heater to "HI" will also produce a massive temperature drop - down to about 190-195 F.
> ...but as I wrote earlier, this is just according to the gauge. Is it common that they are faulty?
> The car uses no coolant or no oil, so I have no reason to suspect that there's something wrong
> with the engine. When I have parked the car for a short period of time after I've driven it, and I start
> it up again, the temperature will probably be at about 230 F. It goes right down to 210 in a matter of seconds,
> even if I just idle.
> It's not a big problem now, we've had a cold summer here in Norway. But what if we get a hot summer
> next year (about 85-90 F), I'm using the A/C, and have to stop at some intersection? Will I have a meltdown? :)
> /Dag Bøsterud
> Norway
> 92 Audi V8 4.2
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: QSHIPQ at aol.com 
>   To: dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net ; cobram at juno.com 
>   Cc: V8 at audifans.com 
>   Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1:53 AM
>   Subject: Re: [V8] Overheating, loss of electric fan 92 V8 4.2
>   Just a data point.  Before I determined the gauge was bad, I could turn on the heater and get an indication of a reduced temp as well.  Hence my misdiagnosis of a bad rad.  Again, ck the temps with an IR gun.  The best success is to zap the head right where the temp sender is (front of head on drivers side, 2 pin connector).  After that test, I would do a pressure test (for heater core leak).
>   Right now, my head temps will rise to 210 (3rd speed fan comes on normally) gauge shows beyond 3/4 hot, and the clue to me was the overtemp shutdown of the A/C never came about.
>   My .02
>   Scott J
>   In a message dated 7/17/2007 5:06:04 P.M. Central Daylight Time, dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net writes:
>     I feel that things are THAT hot. It might be my imagination, but I feel that 
>     it shouldn't be that hot from just driving 1,5 miles..
>     I've added added a bottle of cooling system flush, and the color of the 
>     coolant has started to go from red to grey... maybe there is some clogging 
>     after all?
>     /Dag
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: <cobram at juno.com>
>     To: <dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net>
>     Cc: <V8 at audifans.com>
>     Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:39 PM
>     Subject: Re: [V8] Overheating, loss of electric fan 92 V8 4.2
>     > <dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net> writes:
>     >
>     >> What I have noticed is that when the temperature gauge starts to move
>     >> in to  the 220-230 F-range, if I put the
>     >> climate control to "HI", the gauge quite rapidly drops to about 210
>     >> F.
>     >
>     >> That's another reason to suspect a clogged radiator... or am I
>     >> wrong?
>     >
>     > You could be right, or not.  What you're doing by turning the heat on HI
>     > is using the heater core as an auxiliary radiator.  Doesn't really tell
>     > you much about why you may be running hot.  It does help determine that
>     > the water pump is OK.
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