[V8] Wheel Fit

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 14:30:12 EDT 2007

Do you know what year A6?

The tire size is a tad small which will cause your speedo to read
higher than your actual speed by about 1%.

Do you have UFO brakes?  That's probably the only real fitment issue
you might encounter, specifically if the spokes of the wheel will
clear the UFO saucer as they emanate from the wheel center.


On 8/10/07, rudedog714 at alaska.net <rudedog714 at alaska.net> wrote:
> Sorry folks, I know the wheel business has been beaten to death here but I couldn't find what I needed in the archives. I've been dealing with a slightly bent rim for a while now and also need new tires. Some used A6 wheels with good tires ( 205/55-16 )have become available but all the guy really knew for sure was that the wheels were 16 inch 9 spokes.The part# he gave me was 4B0601025K but I can't find anything that corresponds with that number. I'm assuming that the rim is only a 7 inch width with a 45mm offset. Will I have any problems with this setup, other than people wondering why I'd put a narrower tire on. Thanks, William
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