[V8] The Old Gray Mare's hot flashes....

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Aug 14 14:11:31 EDT 2007

"Roger M. Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at adelphia.net> writes:

> BUT, the heater control valve is vacuum operated.  (Either with or 
> without an electronic sensor...dunno which type yet).  And IF the
> control valve is losing vacuum somewhere, then it could be allowing
> coolant to run into the heater core, and provide heat AND a/c at the
> time.
> Depending on the temperature required by the air conditioner, it 
> could be overriding the cool air, until vacuum was restored.

The temp sensor was phased out long ago, superceded by the regular valve.
 As long as you're there, change the valve.  Going from type 44 BTDT's,
prime suspects are bad check valve in the vacuum feed to the reservoir,
and Climate Control Programmer Solenoids.  I've had luck swapping out the
solenoids and soldering them in new positions, 2 bad programmers = 1 good
programmer.  Probably in the archives, if not I can e-mail you some pics
and details.  

On the 100's, I suspect the CC head will have some decent diagnostic
readouts, been a while since I've played with one of those so YMMV.

>  I guess that's better than my first wife, who only seemed to be on a
> broomstick....

Unless my sister in law was borrowing it.  ;-)
I live on a one-way street that's also a dead end. I'm not sure how I got

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