[V8] A/C Compressor

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 22:53:55 EDT 2007

I generally advise folks to replace the accumulator and the orifice tube 
any time the system is open.  The accum runs about $30 and the orifice 
tube is $2 (a variable o.t. runs $25 and is supposed to be better in 
stop-and-go).  For that price, it's cheap insurance.  If there's ANY 
question regarding the compressor or if it's being replace, flush as 
much as you can (lines, condenser, evaporator, etc).

I'm considering going 134a mainly because of it's availability and 
ease.  My concern is finding an adapter to go on the low-side that's 
90º.  A straight adaptor will fit, but then you won't have enough room 
to attach a feed line.

~Scott S.

Jason Wilkerson wrote:

>I have a leak in my system - I need to replace all of the o-rings and put
>134 in it.  What else do I need to change to do this?  Do I need an
>expansion valve? Dryer? Orifice tube of different size?  Any help
>       Thanks,
>           Jason
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