[V8] Belly Pan Mishaps

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 11:30:16 EDT 2007

I have a similar story, thought I didn't loose the pan.

The day I bought my 91 5spd, I was on my way up to the Mt Washington
Hillclimb, following another lister who I'd just met not even an hour
earlier.  We were cruising 80-90 and suddenly there was sort of a
popping sound and then a bunch of noise and whooshing and road grit
bounces on the hood and windshield.  I pulled over thinking I'd had a
blow-out but not really sure.

Turned out the belly pan had been replaced without the front screws
and the front edge was forced down on the road.  A couple of boot
laces and about 30 minutes later and it was securely back in place.  I
think I finally replaced the boot laces with proper fasteners a couple
months later when the power steering pump needed to be rebuilt.

Sure beats the time I ran over a dead deer in my 89 200q.  Talk about gore.


On 8/23/07, Korn, Bob <Bob.Korn at fike.com> wrote:

> Or after many years the front edge gets a little beat up and you don't
> quite get it tucked in up front when reinstalling and then when rolling
> down the highway at 85mph, going to work, 6:30 AM, not even through your
> first cup of coffee, remote highway, still very dark out, the pan gets
> sucked off the car and bounced along the chassis and run over by the
> rear wheels and spit out................I could not figure out what I
> hit!!    Damm, that will wake you up!   Car still drove ok, nothing
> leaking, about a week later I noticed no belly pan..........
> Bob
> 1990 V8Q  Pearl 180K

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