[V8] V8 Digest, Vol 50, Issue 16

Roger Woodbury rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
Sun Dec 23 06:01:38 PST 2007

Yeah, I finally broke down and bought a Trac Phone at Walmart.  I have aged
parents and need to be reachable when I am away from a building.  

But the phone does have an "off" button.  Pretty good reception, too,
although the last time I tried having one of the things was about five years
ago, and I pitched it into the bay when I realized in one month that I
actually got two calls to go through.

Between my wife's and my phone, that meant that cell phone service cost $35
per call.

It's better now, but eventually, I will throw this cell phone into the bay.
The way it will happen is that just after I finish a call in the car while
driving, I will see some female in a huge SUV nearly take off the nose of
The Old Gray Mare while she is yakking on her cell phone while putting on
here eye shadow.  At that point, I will realize that I need both hands on
the wheel ALL the time, so that I can effectively dodge all the other idiots
who are enslaved by their electronics gizzies and who are terrified about
keeping  their mouths shut for their twenty minute commute.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Head [mailto:v8q at bellsouth.net] 
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2007 8:31 AM
To: rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com; v8newlist
Subject: Re: [V8] V8 Digest, Vol 50, Issue 16

Whether OnStar is on or not, the GPS is active.
However, if you want to be 'off the grid', you had better be checking 
your cell phone. Most have GPS and it comes active by default.
And even if you have an older phone without GPS - cell tower 
triangulation has vastly improved - and that's only what's reported.
Just thought I might raise your paranoia level a little higher this 
holiday season...

The wife has a new Saturn Aura (AKA Opel Vectra) with OnStar (since it 
comes in all new GM vehicles). I could give a rat's butt. What I do like 
is the 270hp V6 with a paddle shifted auto. Damn thing is way quicker 
than my V8 and handles nearly as well...

Roger Woodbury wrote:

> And if any salesman ever tries to sell me an Audi with a friggin' "On
> system in it, or ANY car for that matter, I'll first take a baseball bat
> wail on the "On Star" boxes, and then on the salesman.
> I don't need to friggin' cell phone or satellite system telling the black
> helicopters where my Audi is every minute of the friggin' day!
> Thank you very much.  I feel MUCH better now.
> Roger

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