[V8] one of a kind?

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sat Dec 29 16:18:31 PST 2007

All V8Q's look red and blink amberish, you didn't read the description in
Scott's original link, his post was about a specific lot being sold on
ebay, here is the description verbatim:

"My producer made an mistake he made the whole light within the direktion
indukators in red ans so the indicators arev lighting red!"
Democracy: 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for lunch.

Bastian Homburg <b.homburg at web.de> writes:
> um, no. Not really.
> Paul Fernandes of custom-autocraft.com has been selling these for 
> years. 
> At a very reasonable price, I might add: 
> http://homepage.internet.lu/customautocraft/type44_100_200_v8.htm.
> They *look* red, but blink orange....

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