[V8] one more oil story
Ingo Rautenberg
ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Fri Feb 2 20:47:39 EST 2007
Yep. Reminds me of when my dad did a pre flight inspection on his
Beechcraft Bonanza V-tail and found a rag in one of the fuel tanks.
Moved airports to make sure he had a private hangar then. Car engine
kaput - needs new car engine. Single engine plane engine kaput --
likely RIP with one hell of a ride down.
On Feb 2, 2007, at 8:09 PM, Mike Del Tergo wrote:
> This one is clearly on the PIC. As it is the plots responsibility
> to check the oil/fill before flight even if done seconds before by
> A&P wrench.
> Mike
> One more oil story...Stafford, Kenneth A. stafford at WPI.EDU
> Reading with amusement about the monkey-boy and other oil filter
> tribulations--reminded me... A few years ago, I was flying my
> dad's Cessna
> 210 out of a small airport in Oregon. The mechanic had just topped
> up the
> engine oil. Immediately after lift-off I noticed a slight oil
> slick starting
> up the windscreen. Yanking around to a short pattern, while
> keeping an eye
> on the engine oil pressure my dad and I put it on short final. By
> touch down
> the oil had completely covered one half of the windscreen making it
> nearly
> totally unusable. Turns out the FAA-certified mechanic had become
> distracted
> and had failed to tighten the oil filler cap. Lucky it didn't
> trash the $25K
> engine...
> Ken
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