[V8] Seafoam

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Sun Feb 18 12:59:13 EST 2007

I've brought a lot of 914s back to life with a big bottle of Chevron 
Techron.  The big one, the one that runs about $11 for 20oz.  It washes 
out so much carbon that it'll turn new oil black.  I've used Seafoam a 
few times too, but, honestly, I think all those chemicals are basically 
the same with different names on the bottle.

That being said, I have a regiment of adding a bottle of Chevron (or 
Seafoam, or STP, or whatever your pleasure is) to an empty gas tank 
before filling it up.  When that tank runs dry, I dump the oil.  I do 
this for every tank-before-oil-change, and after a year or so, the 
engine really begins to act like new.  On the Chevy, I run the cleaner a 
bit more often as I think it's maintenance history is less.. extensive 
than most Audi's.

tlastre01 at sprintpcs.com wrote:

>I've read a couple of times of Seafoam through the vacuum line. I have a little bit of a rough idle so I was wondering if a little bit of cleaning might be in order. My question is which vacuum line and how much Seafoam? My V8 has 138k when I bought it (8 months ago with 111K), it was running on barely 4 cylinders. I changed wires, plugs, rotors, caps and installed a K&N air filter. I'm wondering if there was accumulation of carbon that might need cleaning since it wasn't detonating the fuel.
>Thank You All Very Much
>Sprint PCS Mail
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