[V8] My problem
Ron Wainwright
ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 20 23:27:06 EST 2007
WOW is correct!!!! dan you should watch your tone
man/kid! Have some respect for the elders who know
much much more than you!
I had Bruce call me to confurm parts availability just
today, he just over nighted me parts last week that I
needed ASAP..he did that on his own dime by the way
cause he knew I needed the stuff rite away.
Hummmm...wonder how many of us will jump at the RE
button to reply to any questions you may have for now
I won't sell you parts..I even think AW is too good
for you. & I like AW by the way..nice bunch of V8'ers
over there :-)
But good luck in the future dan.
Ron Mit DTM
>wow, this is highly entertaining. i have not had
>this much fun since i
>watched my brothers duke it out 20 years ago! i
>enjoy conversing with
>from time to time but don't know him. don't know
>dan but am sure he
>has his
>good qualities. but who cares? i HAVE personally
>met keith tackett.
>really like him. but again who cares? i have done
>business with
>quality business in my town and around the world for
>years. then one
>got bad service. no idea why. again, who cares?
>but, i bet dan was
>frustrated not being able to find the parts he
>needed. when i read
>original post, my first thought was "unlucky guy,
>wish i had V8 parts
>sell him", then thought "it to be strange that bruce
>did not care".
>but WHO
>CARES WHAT I THINK???!!! dan's story is not going
>to change the fact
>that i
>do business with bruce. let me put it like this:
>regularly, i have
>tell me how CRAZY i am for driving older audis.
>especially a v8. they
>it must be expensive to maintain. some even tell me
>the sold theirs
>it was so pricy. maybe. but mine has not been. my
>experience has
>good. it is my experience not theirs (and we all
>have different
>levels). i am not supporting roger or dan. just
>the fact that a set
>personal experiences is just that. personal. until
>i experience "bad
>bruce" for myself, I will use his services (yet,
>does anyone care at
>in the end, all this email flame throwing is HIGHLY
>entertaining, but i
>guessing a big waste of time for both roger, dan and
>LOL now apparently
>:) but i guess after 14 hours in the office today
>it is okay to waste
>time. oh yeah, in the end, i ask the question
>again; who really
>maybe some of you, but at this point, not me!?
>p.s. i encourage further use of this online
>community for flame
>it is FREE entertainment (btw, since an email has no
>tone, i will state
>is a joke). :) OH, just as it is V8 flame throwing
>(not to far off
>the truth if your V8 has bose speakers pre-recall
>[another joke, but
>you got
>have fun,
>PARTING: 1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
>PARTING: 1986 Audi 4000 CS quattro
> Hey Dan. I can asure you you're not making friends
here with that
> Grow up! You may not know Roger personally, but I
can assure you he
is a
> stand up guy and long time lister. Who the the hell
are you anyway?
Did you
> get lost on your way to Audi World? Allow me to
help you out
> http://forums.audiworld.com/v8/
>> I knew you were an ignorant asshole the minute I
read your e-mail.
>> tired of biting my tongue so I'm just going to let
you have it.)
>> I also knew that I will be wasting my time trying
to address someone
>> has their head so far up their own "wise" ass.
Since you mention
that you
>> have so much more experience than I do and you are
obviously still
out to
>> belittle me. Don't judge what you don't know, just
goes to further
>> how ignorant you really are.
>> I have no idea who you are, I have never met you,
nor will I take
any of
>> this crap from you. I don't know who you "think"
you are talking to
>> I'm not your child. Go talk to one of your kids
like that or your
wife, or
>> whoever else you think you got a handle on, maybe
they will take it.
>> won't! You and your opinion do not matter to me.
>> I don't owe you or anyone else an explanation, so
don't think that I
>> quickly outlined what happened so I can explain
myself to you. I did
>> to show what a sour, old, ignorant man you are. You
won't judge me,
>> don't even know me. So take your worthless opinions
and tell them to
>> someone that cares to hear them.
>> You can go and crawl back under your rock now.
>> Dan
>> P.S. Sorry I didn't reply with an essay. Just
wanted to be down to
>> point. I have no respect for people like you, only
ones that deserve
>> Your nasty attitude started this so please, don't
act surprised and
>> not to have a heart attack when you read this.
>>> From: rmwoodbury at adelphia.net> To:
v8 at audifans.com> Date: Tue, 20
>>> 2007 19:28:12 -0500> Subject: [V8] My problem> >
Dear Dan: Since
you said
>>> that you didn't know what my problem is, I will>
take the time to
>>> you. Perhaps I am an "old Fart" as I am much
older> and have much
>>> experience apparently with everything than you,
but I> assure you I
>>> not have a lot of time on my hands. So the
information that> I will
>>> impart to you is the only information that I have
time to give to>
>>> and you may take it and apply it to whatever part
needs it the
most.> >
>>> What you said was that you had tried to "get this
stuff from Bruce
>>> audiconnection but that was a terrible
experience."> > Now right
>>> you should have stopped, and instead of
recommending a> career
>>> given some specific information about WHY the
experience was>
>>> unsatisfactory. Instead you said, "That guy needs
to quit what he's
>>> doing."> > > Now, Bruce at Audi Connection has
done a lot of work
for a
>>> lot of V8 people> for a lot of years. And if you
have had a sour
>>> experience with him, then> you should explain it
carefully and
clearly as
>>> you finally did after I> smacked your fingers for
being in the
>>> jar. Before your "incident"> with Bruce or any
other supplier
should be
>>> vilified, you need to establish a> whole lot more
credibility as a
>>> consumer of V8 parts than just claiming to> have
one.> > So, my
>>> is that someone who has quite a reputation for
"being one of> the
>>> guys" was attacked without any supporting data for
not performing.>
We on
>>> this list who love these cars NEED all the support
that we can
get,> and
>>> we also need to know ALL of the details about how
one of US, has
>>> less than perfect service, results or satisfaction
from one of
>>> commercial ventures that has supported us so well.
> > Your
>>> about Bruce and Audi Connection was childish and
>>> explained what your experience had been. > > I
hope that this list
>>> continue to be a useful and complete sharing of>
information and
>>> experience about the Audi V8 Quattro. I hope that
it> doesn't
>>> disintegrate into a place where spiteful little
twits indulge in>
>>> to verbally assault other people who otherwise
established their>
>>> considerable level of credibility. > > Perhaps you
will accept my
>>> emails on this subject in the spirit with> which
they were written
>>> intended. I hope so, because I think it is> pretty
obvious right
now that
>>> Bruce at Audi Connection's reputation is quite>
intact and yours is
>>> to be established.> > Roger
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