[V8] When it rains it pours

Audi Sport audisport44 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 21 12:35:54 EST 2007

It is very simple and yes you will be able to use the pearl parts. The outer(painted) part of the door handle will be pretty obvious how it comes out once you're in there. The inner part(painted), the one you actually pull on is held in place by a plastic strip on top. You will have to pull it out which won't be all that easy since that strip has a clip that keeps it locked in place. I should have some door handles laying around in case you brake anything.
If you need any more help once you're in there, just e-mail me.

> From: tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net> To: v8 at audifans.com> Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 05:36:57 -0600> Subject: [V8] When it rains it pours> > Well, I got to see a really cool '50 Merc yesterday (rare here) and while leaving the drivers side window quit going down all the way. Goes down about 1/3 of the way. That's enough, though, because that's a large enough opening for me to put my arm through. Did I mention the outer door handle broke!! And, my 4000 is wrecked!! What a month. > > Well, at least it runs, for now. What did I do to the Audi gods, anyhow?> > Tony Hoffman> > BTW, I've never replaced one of these door handles, but it looks simple. I have the drivers door off my parts car. My question is, that car is green, mine is pearl. I do have to use the painted part, don't I?> _______________________________________________> Audifans V8 mailing list> Send posts to: mailto:V8 at audifans.com> Manage your list connection: http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/v8> Have an Audi V8 question? Check the Audifans Knowledgebase!> http://www.audifans.com/twiki/bin/view/Audi/V8> Have a V8 answer? ... Please help others by adding to the KB ... all contributions welcome!

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