[V8] Chip burning

urq urq at pacbell.net
Fri Feb 23 23:05:50 EST 2007

... they are not oddball EPROMs like the old MAC-02 ... I have the ability 
to program them from a binary file ... If you can get the binary and are 
willing to pass it along I could make copies for folks who are interested 
... for the cost of the part and postage ... maybe less if I can get the 
chips cheaply enough ...

If you wouldn't mind asking I'd really be interested if there isn't 
something available for the 5-speeds.

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
----- Original Message ----- 

> If I could get tuner codes for the V8 is anyone capable of getting and 
> burning the chips?  I have a euro connection who hooked me up with 200 20V 
> code/chip that worked great and has offered V8 code but no longer has chip 
> equipment.

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