[V8] V8 rocks!
Greg Furstenwerth
SlicerDicer at mac.com
Sat Jan 13 11:02:43 EST 2007
I have had people walk up to my car look at it when I get out offer to
buy it... 93 V8 4.2 (Black)
tlastre01 at sprintpcs.com wrote:
> So, I fly to Bend, OR on business, I'm walking across the street with my business associate and he says to me, "Wow, that's a nice car!" I turned around and wouldn't you know it, it was a Pearl V8 with ski racks and actually somewhat dirty due to the weather. Needless to say I felt quite proud and told him, "Mine looks just like that one." I think I need to mention that this gentleman does not know the difference between a VW and an F150, so coming from him it was quite a compliment since he doesn't pay attention to cars. He really flipped his lid when I told him that that car was at least 15 years old (it was a 3.6).
> This morning I go on a business meeting to a Benz dealership here in Akron and one of the salesmen offered to buy my car. He drives an A4 and proceeded to tell me that he had never seen a V8 quattro. He asked if I was sure of the model number, he even mentions to me that maybe the previous owner took the nomeclature off the car. I tried to explain to him but I don't think it did any good. Anyway the morale of the story is the V8 rocks, still!
> Tomas
> Tomas
> --------------------
> Sprint PCS Mail
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