[V8] Strut comparison

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 11:39:24 EST 2007

I have Bilstein HD's on 2 cars with stock springs and hate it.

I have thought about Sensatracs but have never tried them.  Usually
opt for Boge instead.

Have always been curious about the Bilstein Comforts though.  Aside
from the design issue, I wonder if they would cure the issue I have
with the HD's.  The issue is that they have little or no compliance on
very minor road irregularities which causes the ride to never be
smooth unless the pavement is like glass.

How much are the Comforts?  I assume they're priced similarly to the
HD's which means high and makes Boge or Sensatrac worth a try, at
least in my '90 V8.

I have some Koni reds waiting to go into probably my v8 5spd.  The
HD's will come out of that and my Avant.  The Avant will also probably
get Boge or Sensatracs.  The old girl has 232k miles and deserves some
pampering.  ;-)


On 1/18/07, Jason Wilkerson <wilke_jb at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Great - I feel much more informed.  What about the Monroes - any
> experience?  Thanks again.
>            Jason
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