[V8] front Inner Control Arm Bushings

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 26 08:47:21 EST 2007

Jason - 

Thanks for the reply,

I'm going to buy a set of these busings too.  I'm planning the upgrade to the front suspension next month.  I still need to buy the H&Rs.  I see a set on e-bay for 300$.  Then I'll evaluate when I'm in there if my balljoints are bad.  If they are good its busing time.   Are there Camber Plates available for the front?  Is there enough adjustment in the rear suspension to compensate during alignment for the 1.5 inch drop?  Advice accepted please.

I have not done a review of the rear end parts to replace.  Does anyone have a list of parts that are normal wear items for the rear suspension.  That will save me a lot of time when I'm in there with the subframe dropped.  TIA


Jason Wilkerson <wilke_jb at yahoo.com> wrote: I saw you got no reply so I thoughtI I would chime in.  Although I have
never done this, I'm going to in the very near future because the part is
on order - 8.50 for the rubber vs 70 for the control arm - If the ball
joint is still good, why not?  Upon looking at it I assume I will tackle
it this way - I don't have a press, and I definately dont have anything
that will fit the diameter of the outer metal ring so I think I will cut
the rubber out, then take a saw to the outer metal ring - that will get it
out.  From there I think I can pound the new one in - if not I will bring
it to work and press it in.  I will try to let you know how it goes in a
week or so.


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