[V8] Subject: DTM rear spoilers UPDATE!!!!!!

J123fs at aol.com J123fs at aol.com
Tue Jan 30 14:22:58 EST 2007

In a message dated 1/30/2007 12:20:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
v8-request at audifans.com writes:

Subject:  [V8] DTM rear spoilers UPDATE!!!!!!

I really want a front lip spoiler, as I already have body colored Zender  
Heck (German for deck) spoiler sitting on the arse end of my car now.
But, I would get a DTM rear unit, if the cost was say below $150.00 bucks  in 
a New York heartbeat just to have it to hang in the garage along with the  
others I already have hoarded for type 44's !
Does anyone else have any interest in the front DTM  unit? I have relatives 
in Germany coming over in the spring/early summer and may  try to get them to 
bring something in a ski bag.
Has anyone modified their front spoiler for more downforce that  would like 
to share their experience- I seem to remember someone who put a lexan  lip on 
the bottom of theirs, or am I hallucinating? (likely!)
Jack Stanwood

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