[V8] Infamous V8 No Start

Scott Phillips Scottp at ippe.com
Wed Jul 11 09:35:56 EDT 2007

Ben.. good to know. I hadn't realized that you have had the V8 for a
while. So the "wet" then is most likely caused by the hall sender on the
pass dist. That sender among other things sets up the initial injection
sequence. And if it's 'off' you will and can get your no start issue
(injectors are firing out of time). 

If you unplug that sender the can & will then rely on the ref. sensors
to start and run the car (when this happens). But when you unplug it,
you also disable the knock sensors. (not good if you run less than
premium fuel).

Like you said, it's not all the time, so I would offer that a pin is
loose or has some crud on the terminal that may give you this issue. 



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