[V8] Infamous V8 No Start

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 10:31:29 EDT 2007

Hmm.  Happened ALL the time at the dealership when the cars came in.   
We routinely would change out the plugs.  I've rarely had it happen  
with any of the v8's.  Maybe 3 times in 11 years and six V8s.  I  
guess I rarely just move them back and forth ;-)  They need to be  

I did just pick up a set of Autolite 103s for the 4.2, though -- just  
'cause fuel went up another 20 cents so far this week...

'84 urq - '91 V8 5 spd - '93 V8

On Jul 10, 2007, at 9:02 PM, Ben Howell wrote:

> Alright, Why does this happen with the V8, but no other car I,  
> personally, have ever owned:
> Pull the V8 out of the garage, shut it off, couple hours later,  
> pull V8 back into garage, shut it off, couple hours later (or next  
> day), NO START!
> This has happened to us three times in the time we have owned the  
> car. The first time it was MADDENING trying to figure it out. I  
> know that it's flooding because the plugs are soaking wet with  
> fuel. The first time, you guys suggested obtaining a set of Cheapie  
> plugs (Champion) and sure enough, $8+tax in plugs did the trick.  
> However, I couldn't stand knowing that I had Champion plugs in our  
> precious V8. So, after a few days, I swapped in some "run of the  
> mill" NGK's. The Bosch plugs SUCK, but I never had a problem with  
> NGK in my life and these were no different. 100% trouble free until  
> I made the "pull-it-out and then pull-it-in" mistake and no start.
> I KNOW that pulling the plugs and cleaning the fuel off them or  
> swapping the Champion's back in (yes, I saved them) will solve the  
> problem, but WHY?  I know this happens to other V8s, so what causes  
> it?
> Ben
> '91 5 Speed
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