[V8] Mileage/adaptive tranny?

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 13:40:54 EDT 2007

An 18mph crosswind leads to a 2mpg penalty, while an 18mph headwind will 
produce a whopping 17 percent penalty.  On the other hand, an 18mph tail 
wind results in exactly the opposite: a 17 percent increase in fuel economy.

In terms of temperature, an ambient temperature of 50*F will cost you 5 
percent of your fuel efficiency, while a 20-degree day is good for an 11 
percent penalty. 

Driving at an altitude of 4,000 feet above sea level will cost you about 
15 percent of usual mpgs.  Conversely, driving at 4,000 feet below sea 
level should provide a boost in fuel economy, but I don't think it's 
ever been tried.

[stolen from some newspaper clipping I've had for a few years]

~Scott S.

Ingo Rautenberg wrote:

>Lemme guess.  The better one was driving East and the other driving  
>On Jul 12, 2007, at 9:30 AM, Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com wrote:
>>I just got through a 600 miler +- and averaged 24.4 MPG one way and  
>>22 MPG
>>the other!  It is relatively flat, same conditions/speed, cruise  
>>etc both ways, turn around was 1 hour after arrival.   Only real  
>>was source of gasoline, but same grade etc.  This type of  
>>variablity in
>>Mileage is driving me a bits nuts.  O2 is 3,000 miles old and car  
>>seems to
>>run fine if a bit rich any ideas?
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