[V8] Brake resolutions

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 20:13:08 EDT 2007

    I ordered replacement calipers from Beck/Arnley Friday afternoon 
with overnight shipping.  By Saturday morning, they had made it from 
Tennessee to Kansas and were sitting, waiting all weekend, about 2 hours 
driving time from me.  They arrived Monday morning, 10am.  But they sent 
me two left calipers.  The order form shows left and right, the invoice 
shows left and right, the boxes show left and left.  What the fuck am I 
going to do with two left calipers?

    So I call up B/A and the tech guy was super.  I'm talking probably 
the best vendor technical support I've ever had.  A lot of vendors will 
put you on hold for about thirty seconds and if all lines are full, 
direct you to either a voice mailbox that never gets returned or the end 
of the waiting queue, which is sixty-five people long.

    This guy asked for the PO and some other information and I 
calmly--as I could--explained what happened.  The part number was 
xxxxx06S and xxxxx05S and whomever pulled the parts didn't look.  A lot 
of places will double check before shipping, oh well.  The tech put in 
an order for the shipment of the correct part as well as a return 
authorization.  I reiterated my concern that the caliper arrive this 
morning because I need my car up and running.  This phone call was made 
around 2pm.  Sharing a car sucks, dontchaknow.  The V8 has been parked 
since the caliper stuck on Thursday.

    This morning, the caliper arrives through DHL at 10am.  I grab it 
and all my tools and head off to the wrench's garage.  He lets me use 
shop space and lift time usually for the price of a liquor store visit.  
I had transported the V8 to the parking lot last night, taking time to 
use the pyrometer to check rotor temps along the way.  I have the wheel 
and caliper off by 2pm.  And then I wait.  And wait.  And wait for my 
brake hoses and new pads from Autohausaz.  And I wait.  By 3pm I pull 
the other side and wait.  And wait.  And wait.  Autohaus had shipped 
Friday afternoon as well, with 2nd Day Air and the parts were in town 
last night.  They were "out for delivery" by 8am this morning.

    So as the temperature rises past 100 and I help the wrench fiddle 
with other cars, closing time rolls around.  UPS delivers my brake hoses 
and brake pads at 5:55pm.  They were addressed to my house, so perhaps 
UPS waited until "after business hours" to deliver.  But I was very, 
very angry, and unfortunately there was nobody to be angry at besides, 
perhaps, myself.  So I manage to get one new hose on one new caliper 
before the wrench closes up shop.

    And thus, the car sits, and waits for tomorrow morning and I share a 
ride home with the wife.  I returned the old calipers for core charge of 
$50 each.  Rebuilt Girling cases, from B/A were $100 each, plus core.  
They came with new bolts and boots.  I cleaned up the pins and regreased 
them.  The rotors look good enough for one more run and will need to be 
changed within a year or so.  The e-brake cables seem to be working and 
releasing.  I use it every time I park, old habit I guess. 

Sharing a Chevy,
Scott S.

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