[V8] abusive relationship

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Thu Jul 19 12:53:20 EDT 2007

Can't help with the Vespa or the Ranger, but the v8  description sounds like 
a symptom of a bad oil pump to me.  I *hope*  it turns out to be the 
altenator, but those don't make lifters noisy...
Scott Justusson
In a message dated 7/19/2007 9:11:18 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
dsaad at icehouse.net writes:

As many of you know, I just put $3K  into
making my motor good as new. It runs great but has that lower right  front
of the motor rattle that comes from looking at the t-belt. It also  has
intermittent rattly clanks from the lifters - which I opted not  to
replace. Both noises come and go and I don't consider them to be a  big
deal at all. My reward for all of this?
Add to that, I just rebuilt my Vespa motor and...
;;;reliable but somewhat ugly 83 Ranger ...


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