[V8] Fuel Pump Failure Modes

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Tue Jul 24 11:49:07 EDT 2007

Oh man that's the worst kind of mechanical failure -- you'd have been
dead in the water, had to pay for a flatbed, and then been unable to
diagnose because it ran again.   

Are there any codes now (or from yesterday that have disappeared)?
I've never had any fuel pump go bad then later come to life either...
Though just a thought, don't you have some crazy steep driveway?    Not
to discount your expertise in the least, but did you run out of gas, but
after sitting on a steep incline, the FP got refilled?

Otherwise... When it conked out, did it just die, or stumble before
eventually cutting out completely?   I assume it would turn over when
trying to restart, but did it sputter or almost catch when trying to
restart at all?   


> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of urq
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 11:04 AM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] Fuel Pump Failure Modes
> Driving home from an errand yesterday afternoon and #2 
> completely lost power.  Fortunately we were close to home 
> *and* at a higher elevation relative to the house.  Coasted 
> home while trying to "push" start the engine a bit along the 
> way.  When the engine was being turned by the motion of the 
> car the tach was working, so I'm pretty sure the flywheel 
> sensors are OK.  I was thinking the fuel pump had died, but 
> last night I went to move the car a bit and tried starting it 
> just for the heck of it ... and it started just fine.  This 
> is making me wonder if the problem was the fuel pump or not.
>   Has anyone seen fuel pumps work again after failing?  My 
> other experience with fuel pumps is that they tend not to 
> start working again ... I can't remember that happening even once.
>   TIA!
>   Steve B
>   San Jose, CA (USA)
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