[V8] Fuel Pump Failure Modes

MORRALEE David David.Morralee at alcatel-lucent.com
Tue Jul 24 14:12:05 EDT 2007

Or pour cold water on the sensors ... I know this trick works on the
5000 , and the sensors on the V8 are very similar .


-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of cobram at juno.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 2:05 PM
To: urq at pacbell.net
Cc: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V8] Fuel Pump Failure Modes

When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.  ;-) What the other
guys said, only I'd lean more towards the usual.  This is THE symptom of
a bad reference sender.  When bad, the sender sends a signal when cold,
but opens the circuit when hot, no signal=no run.

The location of the fuse box on lesser type 44's seems to be a major
contributing factor to the early demise and corrosion of contacts for
the Fuel Pump Relay.  I have had the Fuel Pump Relay problem noted, but
not while running or on any of the V8Q's.  To rule it in/out keep a
piece of wire with 2 spade connectors handy, when/if the car dies,
jumper the Relay and see what happens...I suspect nothing, but still
hoping it's that, since it's the easiest of the fixes.

Disney World - a people trap operated by a mouse.

urq <urq at pacbell.net> writes:

> Driving home from an errand yesterday afternoon and #2 completely lost

> power.

>I was thinking the fuel
> pump had died, but last night I went to move the car a bit and tried  
>starting it just for the heck of it ... and it started just fine.
> This is making me wonder if the problem was the fuel pump or not.
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