[V8] V8 5spd on eBay

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 12:50:29 EDT 2007

3rd full row from the bottom, middle pic, right next to the TX
inspection sticker.

The plenum cover, aft of the firewall, at the base of the windshield.

Look just inside the hood hinges.  There are rubber gaskets of some
sort rivetted to the plenum cover.

I see what you mean about the where the sticker was next to the
keyhole.  I wouldn't think sun would be able to reach that area
ordinarily enough to caused that much fading there.


On 7/25/07, Coleman, David <David.Coleman at blackrock.com> wrote:
> > Under the hood there are two strange things... the vacuum routing
> > sticker shows a path to "Beam High Control Only".
> Refers to european headlight adjusters?
> > extra rubber baffles on top of the plenum cover that seem to
> > limit air from going to the left or to the right.
> I don't see what you're referring to -- can you map location on the
> picture(s)?
> > The appearance of fading could be due to flash photography.
> Doubt it -- look at the fresh wood where the speed sticker next to the
> key switch was removed.
> Either way, I'd be surprised if the amount of work it must've taken to
> un-eff this car is paid for with a suitable bid amount...
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