[V8] Valvoline Synpower Brake Fluid???

Sean cole v8coupe at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 20:35:33 EDT 2007

I've been working on installing some big brakes on my 90 V8 and was
wondering if any one on here has tried this Synpower brake fluid?

I'm going to be holding off for another week or two on the brake install
till after the car is back from the second round of body straighting.  I
will need to completely flush the system and figure why not fill it up on
some nice DOT3/4 compatible High temp fluid.  The brakes I'm installing are
S8 front 345mm by 30mm rotors with 928 GTS calipers in the front and Neu S4
4.2L rear 300mm by 22mm rotors with stock g43 calipers on S8 280mm by 22mm

Pictures are on my Photobucket for you all.


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