[V8] 2nd Running Rich

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 4 13:08:39 EDT 2007

I'm going to correct the Instrument cluster issues and see if it clears up. 

My car does show some smoke, so that is why I thought it was the IC.

I still need to get the OX sensor part number to repllace.

I  report out what i do to resolve this situ!

________________ Original _____________________

P Mon Jun  4 09: 26: 01 at yahoo.com, UNEXPECTED_DATA_AFTER_ADDRESS_IN_GROUP at .SYNTAX-ERROR.;;, ":P" <mikietown at yahoo.com> wrote: Scott,
  My name is Mikael and I have a V8 5-Speed and it is blowing smoke and I know it wont pass emissions either.
  I changed the oil/plugs and replaced the cats as my cat light was coming on. 
  My car stutters and hesitate as well as outright just dying. 
  Next I plan on changing the air filter & the 02 sensors and the fuel filter and then having a freind come by and pull codes to see what the computer is saying.
  What makes me write to you though is that I too am having instrument cluster gremlins and I too thought that it was suspicious and  maybe the cause of a short circuit with the ECU?
  My climate control turns itself on by itself and the fog lights also turn themselves on.
  Either my car is haunted or SOMETHING is going on...
  Let me know what you find that resolves your issues?
  Thank you,

S_Matus <scott_matus at yahoo.com> wrote:
I have failed to get my car to pass emissions. I replaced the 
Plugs(they were a wide gap), rotors, caps, Air  Filter and the head temp sensor. 

NOTE: the rotor Bosch #04170 part firts perfectly and only $4.22 @ 

I replaces the Ox sensor only 12,000 mi ago. Could it be bad so soon? 
What is the Bosch part number for the 4 wire ford replacement? I'll but 
another one.

*** -> I have some gremlins with the instrument cluster, could this be a 
source of the problem? Does the ECU use signals from the IC?

Any advice is appreciated.

'91 V8QM
'03 RS6
'07 GTI         

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